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Najprostszy kanał cenowy można zapisać tak:
Simple Channel
{górna linia kanału}AA:= HHV(C,10);
{dolna linia kanału}BB:= LLV(C,10);
Ta formuła oznacza że:
górną linią kanału jest najwyższa maksymalna cena z 10 słupków,
dolną linią kanału jest najniższa minimalna cena z 10...
rev. 01/06/97
Keltner Channels are explained in the book The New Commodity Trading System and Methods by Perry Kaufman and were first introduced in the book How To Make Money in Commodities, by Chester W. Keltner. The syntax for the formulas in MetaStock are:
The 10-Day Moving Average...
Commodity Channel Index
Description :
The CCI is a price momentum indicator that works well for commodities,stocks, and mutual funds.
Usage: CCI( Period1 )
Returns: Array
Period1 = number of periods in the CCI calculation as shown below.
CCI = (M - A)/(X * D) percent...