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Bu şartları matriks formül diline nasıl dökebiliriz?
HV-(HV-LV)*(Fibo-Yuzde)/100>C AND C>HV-(HV-LV)*(Fibo+Yuzde)/100 and BarsSince(HLBTop(BAR)=H)<BarsSince(HLBBot(BAR)=L)
matriks içindir
kaynak :
1.Fibonacci Sayıları
12. yüzyılda yaşamış bir rahip olan ve arkadaşları tarafından Fibonacci olarak bilinen Leonardo de Pisa, Mısır’daki Giza piramidini incelerken Fibonacci sayıları olarak bilinen sayı dizisini keşfetmiştir.
İki adet 1 ile başlayan bu sayı dizisinde, her bir Fibonacci sayısı...
In MetaStock for Windows, you can establish Fibonacci Retracement levels as outlined in the November 1997 TASC article "Using Fibonacci Ratios and Momentum" by Thom Hartle by first creating an Expert in the Expert Advisor. To do this, choose Expert Advisor from the Tools menu and then choose...
At 08:51 AM 8/16/01 -0400, you wrote:
>I would welcome any suggestions for a program that can quickly and
>easily calculate and project Fib Time Ratios. Metastock, can do it, BUT
>you cannot choose the ratios. Fibonacci Trader does not project
>forward:)). So far I am using Excel but it...
Dynamic Multiple Time Frame Indicator Explanation of the Dynamic Multiple Time Frame Indicator by the author, Adam Hefner:
"The Fixed Balance Point is calculated every Friday by taking the weekly (high+low+close)/3. It really doesn't need to be plotted, but is mostly used to base the other...